
Items refers to an inanimate object in the world of Evil Genius. The word “Items” is most often used to describe user-placeable room furniture and objects, but can also refer to non-useable and incidental objects such as the native huts on Island 2.


Placing items

Your minions will place items for you, following the orders you give them after placing the blueprint.

To begin building an item, move your cursor over an empty room tile. The cursor should change into Image:Icon_place.JPG when over an acceptable area. Right click and the build tag Image:Tag_Item.JPG appears. Clicking the icon with the crate will reveal the list of items for that particular room which are currently available, together with their price per piece. Left click on the item you want to create.


By moving the item’s blueprint over the room, the player can see the item’s footprints. Most items have them. These are the access points to the item. If an item is placed in a way that the footprints are occupied by other items or a full wall, the item will partially or completely be non-usable. Full footprints represent tiles which are obliged to be accessible in order for the item to be usable. Hollow footprints are optional access points. Placing a hollow footprint over an already occupied tile will only partially lower the item’s functionality. Placing all hollow footprints on occupied tiles will also make the item unusable. Some items have both hollow and full footprints.

The picture on the right represents the design with footprints of the kitchen counter. The full footprints are intended for the cook while the hollow footprints are for the minions that come over for a snack. Of course the cook is obliged to have access, but blocking both hollow footprints will render the counter useless as no minions will be able to sit.

Items can be rotated before placing them by right-clicking the mouse. Once the item’s blueprint has been placed a minion will bring cash to a dock, carry a crate with the item to the assigned location and place it. Blueprints which have a dark construction icon above them are in the waiting list for a minion to pick up the task. Blueprints which have a light construction icon above them already have a minion assigned to the task and will be placed first. The Evil Genius can prioritize tasks by interacting with them.

  • Items can be placed and will be functional will have a green outline.
  • Items that cannot be placed and/or will not have proper function will have a red outline.

It is possible for items to be used even if their footprints are sticking into other rooms. For example, you can have a small messhall, but the “customer” side of the counter can have the footprints sticking into a corridor.

Tips for placing items

  • Start considering where to place items before the room is even built. While the blueprints are still being drawn in the dirt, you can place item blueprints to see how the room will look before you commit to building it. Factor in traffic, any necessary doors or other security devices, required equipment for the room, and even potentially overlapping footprints for functional tight spaces.
  • Consider the value of timeclocks. Yes, they may take up some power at first, but they can be helpful to keep a room shut down to save power or overstaff the room for presence.
  • Be cost- and space-conscious for fledgling bases. Your cash reserves and minion count is usually not enough to warrant such large and power-hungry base. But leave plenty of room to expand should you have a need.
  • While you can get away with items placed in a way that allows their access footprints to overlap, thus making a 1-tile wide walking path, remember that this can act as bottleneck. It is recommended that high traffic areas get at least 2 tiles wide.

Moving and deleting items

Moving items

All items can be moved, but only some can be moved just about anywhere. Items specific to a kind of room (bunk beds for barracks, control station for control room, etc.) can only be moved to open tiles of that room type.

When moving an item, right-click on the object to bring up its menu (some would suggest first left-clicking the object before righ-clicking to make sure you select the right entity). Left-click on the icon that looks like 4 arrows (image not currently available).

That item can now be placed on any open tile that meets its placement requirements (some items, like timeclocks and fire extinguishers, must be placed on a wall). Keep in mind, however, that just because the item is sitting on a tile doesn’t mean it is functional or accessible. For example, a mess hall counter that has none of the empty footprints accessible is as good as a cup of water on the sun.

See “Placing Objects” above to find out how to rotate the object while moving it.

Once you have selected a target location for the object, an appropriate minion will soon arrive to whip out a moving box and complete the task.

You can see which minion is tasked with moving the object by right-clicking on the object and left-clicking the silhouette icon (image not currently available). This will zoom you to the location of the minion who will have a yellow circle around him. Click the arrow icon that appears to zoom back to the object.

Deleting items

Objects can be deleted by merely left-clicking the wrecking crane icon (immage not currently available) on the item’s menu. To do this quicker, simply left-click to select the object and press the Delete button.

Like moving objects, a minion will soon arrive to package the item and *poof* make it disappear. WARNING: once you select an object for deletion and the packaging animation has begun, that item will be gone forever. The only way to cancel this action is to delete the object again before the minion reaches the item.

Also like moving objects, you can see which minion has been dispatched to delete the item (see above).

Item list

For a full list of items, please refer to Category:Items.

Reference “” Category: Items

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